Start Filing Bankruptcy Online Today And You Can File Your Bankruptcy Tomorrow
Order the 1ClickBankruptcy software program today and you can have your bankruptcy forms competed and ready to file the next business day.
Filing your bankruptcy petition is as simple as taking your completed bankruptcy forms to the Bankruptcy Court in your district.
Most courts will allow you to mail in your bankruptcy petition while others require you to deliver in person. Either way you will be required to pay the court's filing fee's, Chapter 7 ($335) Chapter 13 ($310) or include the
'application to pay filing fee in installments" (included with our software) at the time of filing.
Chapter 7 filer's may also be eligible to file your bankruptcy for free by including the "application for waiver of the chapter 7 filing fee" (included with our software).
When filing bankruptcy, the clerk will go through your petition to make sure you have included all the required federal bankruptcy forms and creditor mailing list, then give you (or return by US Mail) your stamped receipt with your bankruptcy case number.
The Clerk will keep your original bankruptcy petition so be sure and print an extra copy for your records.
Your bankruptcy filing is now in place and the automatic stay is in effect.
The Final Step
The final step will be the meeting of creditors or "341 meeting".
You will be notified by mail as to the time and place of the meeting, approximately 20 to 40 days after the initial filing of your bankruptcy petition.
This is a simple procedure held by the bankruptcy trustee (not a judge) in which the trustee and any creditors that wish to appear may ask questions regarding you filing bankruptcy.
Generally this meeting will be a short and simple procedure lasting only a few minutes where you are asked basic questions about your bankruptcy filing and your financial situation. In most instances creditors rarely appear and are limited as to the questions they may ask you by the trustee.
Shortly after the 341 meeting you will receive your bankruptcy discharge by mail.
Limited Time Offer! File bankruptcy online today and save 50% during our September Sale!
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